The cat and mouse game? Enforcing and Preventing the Circumvention of EU Sanctions against Russia

28 May 2024 - 28 January 2023
11:00 - 12:30
Press Club Brussels Europe

The Brussels Office of the Polish Institute of International Affairs (PISM) and RUSI Europe are delighted to invite you to a closed-door seminar on the challenges related to the implementation of EU sanctions against Russia. To date, thirteen packages have been approved, targeting 1 706 individuals and 419 entities, and covering a wide range of key sectors, goods and services. The negotiations are underway on the 14th package of sanctions with a strong anti-circumvention angle, for example in the maritime sector. The effectiveness of restrictive measures depends among others on the EU’s ability to enforce them and limit their circumvention.

Opening remarks
Melchior Szczepanik, Head of Brussels Office, PISM
Kinga Redłowska, Head of CFS Europe, RUSI Europe
Expert debate
Jan Dunin Wąsowicz, Partner and Co-Chair of Hughes Hubbard Reed’s Sanctions, Export Controls & Anti-Money Laundering Practice Group
Elżbieta Kaca, Senior Research Fellow, EU Programme, PISM
Mihai Keller, Team Leader, Enforcement EU Sanctions, DG FISMA, European Commission
Kinga Redłowska, Head of CFS Europe, RUSI Europe
Moderator: Balázs Gyimesi, Communications Manager, RUSI Europe

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