Working for a safer and stronger Europe
in the world

RUSI Europe engages researchers to help solve urgent security, defence, and foreign policy challenges of interest to Europe and the North Atlantic

RUSI Europe is an international research institute, independent of government, and is committed to objectivity, integrity and impartiality in all of its work. Our mission is to leverage the Institute’s research capacities to inform policy-making at the EU, NATO and among their member states.

Based in Brussels, RUSI Europe builds on the Royal United Services Institute’s almost 200 years of expertise in security and defence. We carry out research, provide a forum for security and defence dialogues, and are committed to help solve the most urgent security and defence challenges.


EU Strategic Communications to Support Sanctions Against Russia

This paper examines the question: How does the EU use strategic communications to persuade third countries to cooperate on sanctions? The paper analyses how the EU is using arguments linked to upholding values and appealing to the interests of third countries.

NATO at 75 conference

On 3 April 2024, RUSI Europe hosted a half-day conference in cooperation with the UK Joint Delegation to NATO, discussing how the Alliance should respond to geopolitical challenges, including the threat of Russia and how NATO can best continue to support Ukraine. The Rt Hon Lord Cameron, Secretary of State for Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Affairs, gave the closing address.

RUSI Europe, 46 Avenue des Arts, 1000 Brussels, Belgium

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