Ports Governance Programme

Empowering safe and secure ports to promote stability and prosperity

The programme

In line with the UN Sustainable Devel­opment Goals, the Ports Governance Programme assists seaports and the relevant authorities through innovative safety and security training solutions, equipment, capacity building develop­ment and knowledge sharing actions implemented in the ports. The partners offer certified training courses according to the need of each port.

The Ports Governance Programme as­sists ports in achieving good port gov­ernance so that they can operate safely, securely, efficiently, and sustainably, while also contributing to the economic develop­ment of their regions. Safety and security on- and off-shore are essential compo­nents of port governance as they ensure the efficient and effective functioning of ports, protect people and cargo, and thus benefit vessels, port operators and clients while facilitating global trade and econom­ic activity.

The challenge

Ports are crucial nodes in the worldwide supply chain, and it is imperative to guar­antee their safety and security to ensure the seamless flow of global trade. Any transnational security threats, such as terrorism, piracy, drug-, human-wildlife trafficking, theft, pollution and illegal fish­ing, can disrupt port operations and trade for extended periods, causing significant challenges. Unfortunately, many ports are ill-equipped to handle the evolving risks they confront, including new cybersecurity challenges, which can exacerbate threats.

The solution

Having up-to-date regulations and com­plying with international port standards will help ports prevent incidents and man­age risks. There are additional benefits of improved efficiency and building an inter­national reputation that can foster global trade. All of this is encompassed in good port governance.

To this end, UNITAR and RUSI have teamed up to support to ports and private sector entities associated with ports in enhancing their resilience against these threats and risks.

The partners

UNITAR is the Institute for Training and Re­search of the United Nations based in Gene­va with offices worldwide. UNITAR provides innovative training solutions, equipment and capacity development activities to individuals, organisations and institutions to enhance their professional skills.

The Royal United Services Institute (RUSI) is an independent think tank created almost 200 years ago with a focus on security, defence and geopolitics.

The separate and independ­ent Brussels-based RUSI Europe focuses on European security and maritime security globally, working through research, dialogue forums, and project management.

RUSI Europe, 46 Avenue des Arts, 1000 Brussels, Belgium

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