Radicalisation Awareness Network (RAN) Policy Support

RAN Policy Support aimed to provide EU policy-makers with evidence-based information and analysis on preventing and countering violent extremism and related topics.

EU Member States are faced with numerous challenges ranging from homegrown terrorism to foreign terrorist fighters, which threaten international peace and security. Effectively preventing and countering violent extremism and terrorism requires a multi-level and multi-stakeholder approach as well as a strong evidence base to foster a deeper understanding of the complex radicalisation process. 

RAN Policy Support aimed to address these challenges by bridging the gap between policy-makers and researchers and helping EU Member States take informed decisions to effectively prevent and counter violent extremism.

Project team

Aims and objectives

RUSI is a founding member of the consortium that ran RAN Policy Support. This strand of RAN was launched in January 2021 by the European Commission to complement RAN Practitioners.

RAN Policy Support brought together a wide community of experts from academia, think tanks, public and private sector institutions and civil society organisations with the aim of informing the policy-making process in the EU.

RAN Policy Support was committed to providing EU policy-makers with evidence-based information and analysis on current challenges and emerging trends in radicalisation and violent extremism and thereby increase the knowledge base on priority policy areas.

It supported the European Commission in implementing key policy priorities, including the EU Security Union Strategy, the EU Counter-Terrorism Agenda, as well as the annual Strategic Orientations on a coordinated EU approach to the prevention of radicalisation adopted by the EU Member States.

Activities carried out by RAN Policy Support included knowledge-generating and capacity-building programmes to bridge the gap between policy-makers and researchers. These included:

  • Ad-hoc papers and consolidated overviews
  • Training programmes and study visits
  • Workshops and thematic research events
  • Strategic communication in critical P/CVE areas

Other resources, including the EC Research e-library on Radicalisation and the EU Research Community on Radicalisation, reinforced and fostered interdisciplinary partnerships and exchanges among its members.

Watch the video to find out more

Funded by the European Union
RUSI Europe, 46 Avenue des Arts, 1000 Brussels, Belgium

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